
Gorilla grodd vs solomon grundy
Gorilla grodd vs solomon grundy

gorilla grodd vs solomon grundy

Gorilla Grodd appears in the courtyard background on the Stryker's Island stage, battling several guards attempting to restrain him. Using his intellect and telepathy, Grodd enlists others in his mission to conquer the planet and fill the void of power left by Superman’s Regime.

gorilla grodd vs solomon grundy

He’s gone so far as to form an anti-Justice League, the Society, to once and for all smash their opposition. Telepathic brute Gorilla Grodd has long sought to prove his peerless genius by subjugating mankind. This would prove to be an edge that Grodd would have on The Flash on several occasions. Grodd discovered that he had gained the fabled power of telekinesis. Eventually, after a strange meteorite landed near him, the radiation from the meteorite changed him. After remembering a traumatic Gorilla attack that befell the latter as a child and the comforting words of his mother, he fought back and ultimately defeated him. Enraged at the elders’ betrayal, he made his presence known by killing the elder who rescued The Flash and decided to kill him for his brain. Unfortunately, The Flash could not remember anything, much less deliver a message, and as a result, was imprisoned by Grodd, only to be rescued by the elders.

gorilla grodd vs solomon grundy

When the apes see him, they automatically assume him to be the prophesied messenger. Just as the fight ended, The Flash suddenly arrived via time travel through the speed force. With his father killed by his hand, he proclaimed himself the new ruler of Gorilla City, before devouring his father’s brain, thus absorbing the latter’s knowledge and memories. Both apes clashed with spears until young Grodd disoriented his father before headbutting him and fatally stabbing him, using his horned helmet as an impromptu blade. When he came of age, he challenged his father, King Grodd, to a fight to the death to determine who would reign over Gorilla City, which the latter accepted. He was raised by the village elders, laboring under the belief that he was the chosen recipient of an enigmatic force known as The Light, a mystical power that simultaneously supercharged their ancestors’ minds while also wiping out the Mayans, and that when the messenger arrives, he will usher in a new era for his fellow simians. 7: HULK SMASH MONKEY MAN!!!! sad but true.Grodd was originally a member of an ancient civilization of apes in Gorilla City. 6: Hulk gets mad and breaks out of trap cause thats how hulk works. 3: Hulk gets pissed and overcomes TP cause thats how hulk works.


HOWEVER!!! Am i not mistaken that grodd has a lot of prep and a file on the hulk? that plus the fact he has home field advantage? whats stopping him from rigging the battlefield with traps for the mean green fighting machine? then again, whats grodd gunna plan thats gunna stop hulk? i say this is the scenario: 1: Grodd lays pit-fall or some other trap to contain the hulk. Hulk would need one, maybe two, good hits and grodd is down. especially when you think about how pissed he'd be after having some gorilla in his head trying to get him to stop punching stuff. On the other hand, if grodd's TP fails, he cannot stand against the hulk. Therefore i see a chance that grodd wins via TP. however, im not doubting what other people have said about TP not being effective on hulk in other cases. Grodd is a powerful telepath, the reason TP didnt work in WWH is cause Doc Strange gave hulk an opening by using a physical form and getting close when bruce got all wishy washy.

Gorilla grodd vs solomon grundy